Aries Daily Horoscope

May 17, 2024

The Virgo moon and Saturn face off this morning, bringing a tense energy to the table. Be extra mindful of your responsibilities for the day, dearest Aries, and take care not to ruffle feathers around the office by double-checking your work and staying on task. Luckily, you'll have a chance to embrace more leisure this afternoon when Luna aligns with Venus and Uranus, bringing a grounded yet playful energy to the table. Invest in yourself later tonight when the moon shares supportive connections with the sun and Jupiter, encouraging you to view decadence as a form of self-care.

More Aries Horoscopes

Daily Food Horoscope

Celebrate by being bold and spontaneous! Encourage others to join you in search of innovative adventures. An evening at a German brauhaus could be different. Steamed feldkieker and leipziger allerlei isn't something you have every day. And the beer! Ah, the beer!

Daily Home Horoscope

That wanderlust is calling. Even if you can't afford a far-off adventure just now, you can always soothe those desires by exploring in books or online, in fabric stores, specialty food shops and import boutiques. Bring the jungle home by filling your home with lush vegetation.

Daily Dog Horoscope

All of your senses are suddenly revitalized. If your sense of smell seemed dull, suddenly you can smell a daisy from a mile away. Even your ability to sense love and devotion are heightened. It's almost uncomfortable how intensely you feel. Be extra careful.

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Daily Teen Horoscope

You aren't really comfortable today, but you can't figure out why. Does it have something to do with money? Or with your friends and family? It's all so confusing! Putting your angst on paper will do wonders toward finding solutions.

Daily Cat Horoscope

You get all fired up over something really big today -- something that might only make sense to you! It's a good time for you to slow down a little and see if you can figure out which cat is which.

Daily Bonus Horoscope

Be comfortable with taking a stand -- your principles are part of who you are.