John Hayes Astrology


Astrology Horoscopes Compatibility Prediction

Scorpio Sign  Scorpio 24th Oct - 21st Nov

While they will separate for several months, Jupiter and Pluto will begin and end the year in harmony, though with a different focus. The year begins with Jupiter in his first full day in your relationship sector and having just turned direct on New Year’s Eve, this is more than a symbolic chance for a fresh start. Jupiter has been in retrograde motion for four months and as well as turning direct and shifting the focus away from the past and onto the future, as he will leave on 26th May this is when you will enter the final phase of this powerful year for relationship building. This comes just as Pluto moves into his final three weeks in your communication sector and with, he and the Sun both leaving on 21st January, as the tide turns on the relationship front it is with the full support of the communication gods.

Even after the Sun and Pluto move on, the support will still be there with Mars in your communication sector until 5th January, Mercury from 14th January to 5th February and Venus from 23rd January to 17th February, it is the planets of love and communication that will offer the most support. While there will be no more planetary activity in your communication sector by the time the dwarf planet Ceres leaves on 8th February and the most important months of the year on the relationship front are still in front of you, this will leave you with everything needed to keep the communication lines open. Meanwhile, as the planets leave your communication sector, they will follow Pluto into your home and family sector, where apart from 11 weeks from 2nd September to 20th November, he will call this home for the next 20 years.

It is not until Mars leaves on 23rd March that Pluto will be on his own, with two months for the planet of change and revolution to settle in and with ongoing support during that time. It is just over two months later that Jupiter will leave your relationship sector on 26th May and return to your financial sector to begin your biggest year for financial growth and expansion in over a decade. Surrounded by planetary support at the time, this will get this off to a powerful start, but it will also put Jupiter and Pluto back in harmony. While they will move straight into a friendly aspect, until Jupiter leaves in June 2025 there will be a lot of harmony and support for financial matters on the home front. Meanwhile, spending the whole of 2024 in a fun, playful, romantic, and creatively charged part of your chart Saturn, the hard taskmaster of the cosmos will be policing a balance between work and play.

Yearly Horoscope by Forecasters


Aries | Taur | Gem | Canc | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorp | Sagi | Capri | Aqua | Pisc  


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